Marlene Dietrich was born on 27 December (1901), 9.15 PM.

Her head sign is Cave Bear
(work) sensitive, powerful, self-satisfied, majestic, wants to be VIP and respected, presentable, two-sided and tricky treasure hunter, has a ready wit; colours: black, violet, dark blue, silver, diamond

...and her heart sign is Woolly Rhinoceros
(love) bohemian, innovative, reckless, unpredictable, crooked, instinctive fighter, stubborn, arbitrary, has a good sense of black humour but may turn to be an unfriendly loner; colours: red, orange, brown, bronze, ruby.

Shadow sign; (friendships) Cave Bear also.

She was born in the evening, so her sun sign is 
(looks) stylish, elegant, diplomatic, cool, intelligent, philosophical, meticulous and because of that often uptight, calculating, fearless gambler, loves drama and solving mysteries; colours: green, blue, grey, platinum, sapphire